
This table has 1 row per forecast object

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
BENTOVarcharA collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these.This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers.
COMMENTVarcharAny comments on the forecast.
CREATED_ATTimestamp_NTZTime when the forecast was created.
CREATED_BYVarcharID of the user who created the forecast.
CREATED_BY_NAMEVarcharName of the user who created the forecast.
DML_ATTimestamp_NTZA datetime (local to server) in which the row was last modified. dml_at can be used to identify updated and new records, but as tables may not see changed records every day, it is not authoritative on when the table was last synced. 2019-01-01 12:14:01:10Where dml_at::date >= current_date-7 This will return all rows modified in the last 7 days.
DML_TYPEVarcharThe type of manipulation that last occurred to a row.'update', 'delete', 'insert', 'backfill', 'backfill-delete'Where dml_type <> 'delete' Excludes deleted rows.
FORECAST_CONFIG_IDVarcharID of the forecast config.
FORECAST_CONFIG_NAMEVarcharName of the forecast config.
FORECAST_CONFIG_TYPEVarcharType of forecast config.
IDVarcharUnique ID of the forecast.
IS_DELETED_IN_APPBooleanIs the latest dml_type "delete" or "backfill-delete".Where is_deleted_in_app = false Only keeps undeleted rows.
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id
OWNER_IDVarcharCan be user id or territory id.
OWNER_NAMEVarcharUser / Territory Name
OWNER_TYPEVarcharUser, Territory
PERIOD_ENDTimestamp_NTZForecast period end time.
PERIOD_STARTTimestamp_NTZForecast period start time.
SUBMITTED_ATTimestamp_NTZTime when the forecast was submitted.
SUBMITTED_BYVarcharID of the user who submitted the forecast.
SUBMITTED_BY_NAMEVarcharName of the user who submitted the forecast.
SURROGATE_IDVarcharAn md5 hash of bento, o_id and ID for a table.This can be used to get distinct counts of records if an account has more than 1 org instance. Two orgs will both have a prospect with ID of "1" but each will have a different surrogate ID.
UPDATED_ATTimestamp_NTZTime when the forecast was last updated.
UPDATED_BYVarcharID of the user who last updated the forecast.
UPDATED_BY_NAMEVarcharName of the user who last updated the forecast.