Funnel Insights Prospects

This table has 1 row of per user-prospect interaction per UTC day per org id.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
ACCOUNT_IDVarcharThe associated account ID for the prospect ID that the activities with User ID Maps to the ACCOUNTS table.
ACTIVITY_DATETimestamp_NTZThe UTC Day when the user performed any activities of tasks, mailing, meetings, or calls.This is used in the filter to define a timeframe for a report
BENTOVarcharA collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these.This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers.
IN_SEQUENCEBooleanBoolean value determining whether the prospect is contacted in any sequences thru mailing, tasks, meetings, or callsCan be used to calculate total prospect contacted via sequence as count (distinct prospect_id) where in_sequence = true over a timeframe
IS_ENGAGEDBooleanBoolean value determining whether the prospect has responded/engagedCan be used to calculate total prospect responded as count (distinct prospect_id) where is_engaged = true over a timeframe. Can also be used in conjunction with in_sequence = true to determine count of prospects who have responded in sequence
IS_INVITEDBooleanBoolean value determining whether the prospect has been invitedCan be used to calculate total prospect invited as count (distinct prospect_id) where is_engaged = true over a timeframe. Can also be used in conjunction with in_sequence = true to determine count of prospects invited in sequence
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id
PERSONA_IDVarcharThe associated persona ID for the prospect ID that the activities with User ID Maps to the PERSONA table.
PROSPECT_IDVarcharThe associated prospect ID for the activities with User ID Maps to the PROSPECTS table.Can be used to calculate total prospect contacted as count (distinct prospect_id) over a timeframe.
USER_IDVarcharThe associated user ID responsible for the activities. Maps to the USERS table.