This table has 1 row per meeting (unique meetings gathered from calendar events) and per org id.
Column | Type | Definition | Sample Value(s) | Sample Use |
ALL_DAY | Boolean | Whether the meeting time was set to all day. | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS | Array | The list of attribution objects associated with a meeting | This helps to understand how many meetings are booked related to a Sequence | |
ATTRIBUTIONS.CALENDAR_EVENT_ID | Number | The ID of the calendar event is associated with. | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.CREATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The date and time the sequence template was created. | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.MEETING_ATTRIBUTION_ID | Number | The associated meeting attributions ID for this Meeting | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.SEQUENCE_ID | Number | The associated sequence ID for this Meeting attribution | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.SEQUENCE_STATE_ID | Number | The associated sequence state ID for the Meeting Attribution | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.SEQUENCE_TEMPLATE_ID | Number | The template used for this sequence template | ||
ATTRIBUTIONS.UPDATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for when this sequence template was updated. | ||
BENTO | Varchar | A collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these. | This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers. | |
BOOKER_ID | Varchar | The prospect ID if booked by calendar extension, otherwise the user who owns the event. In SDR use cases, if this was not booked by a prospect, it is the AE or other individual the SDR booked on behalf of. Booker_ID can equal Creator_ID if booked by an Outreach user on their own behalf. | Maps to USERS table or PROSPECTS table | |
CALENDAR_IDS | Array | The IDs of the calendars this event is associated with. | Maps to CALENDARS table | |
CANCELED | Boolean | Whether the meeting has been canceled. | ||
CREATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | When the meeting was originally created in Outreach. (This is not the same as external_created_at, when the meeting was originally created/booked in the originating calendar system.) | ||
CREATOR_ID | Varchar | The ID of the Outreach user who originally booked the event, or who provided the calendar extension link for a prospect to book on. In SDR use cases, generally the SDR. | Maps to USERS table | |
CREATOR_TYPE | Varchar | A string describing the type of individual who originally booked the event. | 'User', 'Prospect' | |
DESCRIPTION | Varchar | The body of the calendar event. | ||
DML_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | A datetime (local to server) in which the row was last modified. dml_at can be used to identify updated and new records, but as tables may not see changed records every day, it is not authoritative on when the table was last synced. | 2019-01-01 12:14:01:10 | Where dml_at::date >= current_date-7 This will return all rows modified in the last 7 days. |
DML_TYPE | Varchar | The type of manipulation that last occurred to a row. | 'update', 'delete', 'insert', 'backfill', 'backfill-delete' | Where dml_type <> 'delete' Excludes deleted rows. |
END_TIME | Timestamp_NTZ | The time at which the event ends. | ||
EVENT_LINK | Varchar | A link to the 3rd party event. | | |
EXTERNAL_CREATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The created at time in the external system. | ||
EXTERNAL_EVENT_ID | Varchar | The event ID in the external system. | _70o42ha18kpk2b9j88o48b9k88rk8b9o6 | |
EXTERNAL_UPDATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The updated at time in the external system. | ||
HAS_PROSPECTS | Boolean | True if the meeting has prospects associated with it. See meeting_attendees for more details on the prospects. | ||
ICAL_ID | Varchar | The ical ID for this event. | ||
ICAL_SEQUENCE | Varchar | From the ical spec: "This property defines the revision sequence number of the calendar component within a sequence of revisions." | ||
ID | Varchar | A unique ID for this meeting. | ||
IS_DELETED_IN_APP | Boolean | Is the latest dml_type "delete" or "backfill-delete". | Where is_deleted_in_app = false Only keeps undeleted rows. | |
LOCATION | Varchar | The location specified on the meeting event. | ||
NO_SHOW_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The time at which the event was marked as no show. | ||
ONLINE_MEETING_LINK | Varchar | This link attached to meeting events over the internet, e.g. with Zoom. | | |
OPPORTUNITY_IDS | Array | This is a list of any IDs for opportunities that Outreach users have associated with their calendar event for this meeting. | This may not be comprehensive as it relies on users manually assigning an opportunity to the synced-in calendar event. | |
ORGANIZER | Boolean | True if the user is the organizer of the meeting. | ||
O_ID | Varchar | Organization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account. | Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id | |
PROSPECT_IDS | Array | The list of IDs for prospects attending this meeting. See meeting_attendees for more details on these attendees. | ||
RECURRING | Boolean | True if this is an occurrence of a recurring meeting. | ||
RECURRING_EXTERNAL_EVENT_ID | Varchar | The external event ID of the recurring event this event is an occurrence of. | ||
SENSITIVE | Boolean | True if this event is marked as private in the 3rd party calendar. | ||
SOURCE | Varchar | The source of the event. | 'sync' | |
START_TIME | Timestamp_NTZ | The time the meeting was scheduled to begin. | ||
SURROGATE_ID | Varchar | An md5 hash of bento, o_id and ID for a table. | ||
SYNCED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The time at which this meeting was synced from the 3rd party calendar into Outreach. | ||
SYNC_ATTEMPTS | Number | The number of attempts that were made to sync an outreach created event to gcal/outlook | ||
SYNC_STARTED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The time the last sync attempt was initiated. | ||
TITLE | Varchar | Title of the meeting. | ||
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for the last time this record was updated. | 2019-01-01 20:14:01:10 | Almost equivalent to dml_at (but adjusted for time zones), but doesn't include record creation or deletion. |
USER_ID | Varchar | The ID of the Outreach user who originally booked the event, or who provided the calendar extension link for a prospect to book on. |