
This table has 1 row per prospect and per org id.

Depending on how your org handles duplicate prospects, a single "individual" may have multiple prospect records to reflect different areas of business or selling motion. Many field definitions may have different meanings between customers, based on how one's plugin mappings are configured.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
ACCOUNT_IDVarcharThe ID a prospect is currently associated with.Maps to the ACCOUNTS table
ADDRESS_CITYVarcharThe city associated with a prospect.
ADDRESS_COUNTRYVarcharThe country associated with a prospect.
ADDRESS_STATEVarcharThe state associated with a prospect.
ADDRESS_STREETVarcharThe street and home # associated with a prospect.
ADDRESS_STREET2VarcharSecondary information associated with a prospect's street, like PO box or extensions.
ADDRESS_ZIPVarcharThe zip code associated with a prospect.
AVAILABLE_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC time that indicates when a prospect is next available.
BENTOVarcharA collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these.This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers.
CALLS_OPTED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted into calls.
CALLS_OPTED_OUT_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted out of calls.
CALLS_OPT_STATUSVarcharA string for if a prospect has explicitly opted out of or opted into being called.'opted_out', 'opted_in'
CAMPAIGN_NAMEVarcharThe most recent marketing campaign associated with a prospect. See notes above table.'Social Selling', 'Unleash Direct Mail', 'Client Onboarding'
CLICK_COUNTNumberThe cumulative sum of all links the prospect has clicked when click_tracking is enabled on mailings.
CREATED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime that the prospect was created in Outreach.
CREATOR_IDVarcharThe ID for whomever created a record in Outreach, or who updated it if records are overwritten when changed. Maps to different tables based on the "creator_type" field.
CREATOR_TYPEVarcharThe object type that created this row.'plugin', 'app', 'user', 'trigger', 'import'This will dictate what table the creator_id maps to.
CUSTOM_FIELDS_LONGVarcharJSON-encoded custom fields.
DML_ATTimestamp_NTZA datetime (local to server) in which the row was last modified. dml_at can be used to identify updated and new records, but as tables may not see changed records every day, it is not authoritative on when the table was last synced. 2019-01-01 12:14:01:10Where dml_at::date >= current_date-7 This will return all rows modified in the last 7 days.
DML_TYPEVarcharThe type of manipulation that last occurred to a row.'update', 'delete', 'insert', 'backfill', 'backfill-delete'Where dml_type <> 'delete' Excludes deleted rows.
EMAILS_OPTED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted into emails.
EMAILS_OPTED_OUT_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted out of emails.
EMAILS_OPT_STATUSVarcharA string for if a prospect has explicitly opted out of or opted into being emailed.'opted_out', 'opted_in'
ENGAGED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect last opened, clicked, or replied to an email.
ENGAGED_SCORENumberThe cumulative count of all engagements via Outreach. Represents responsiveness to contact.
EXTERNAL_IDVarcharA custom ID for the prospect, often referencing an ID in an external system.
EXTERNAL_OWNERVarcharA custom owner for the prospect, often referencing an owner in an external system.
EXTERNAL_SOURCEVarcharThe source of the resource's creation.'outreach-extension', 'outreach-api'
FIRST_NAMEVarcharThe first name of the prospect.
GENDERVarcharThe assumed gender of a prospect.
HOME_PHONEVarcharThe phone number associated with a prospect's home.PHONE_NUMBERS and CONTACTS is a stronger, normalized source of prospect info
IDVarcharRepresents an individual row of data in a table. Fields in other tables that match to this ID will be called thisTable_id. e.g. ID in the calls table will appear as the call_id in another table.Count(1), count(id), and count(distinct id) are equivalent in a table without joins or groupings for a given bento & o_id.
INFERRED_TIME_ZONEVarcharWhen available, a string showing the timezone of a Prospect.
IS_DELETED_IN_APPBooleanIs the latest dml_type "delete" or "backfill-delete".Where is_deleted_in_app = false Only keeps undeleted rows.
LAST_NAMEVarcharThe last name of the prospect.
LINKED_INVarcharThe linkedin URL for a prospect.
LINKED_IN_CONNECTIONSNumberKnown # of LinkedIn connections.
LINKED_IN_IDVarcharThe unique id for a prospect's LinkedIn profile
LINKED_IN_SLUGVarcharThe unique LinkedIn value for building the LinkedIn URL.
MIDDLE_NAMEVarcharThe middle name of the prospect.
MOBILE_PHONEVarcharThe mobile phone number associated with a prospect.PHONE_NUMBERS and CONTACTS is a stronger, normalized source of prospect info
NICKNAMEVarcharAny known alternative names associated with a prospect.
OCCUPATIONVarcharKnown job title of a prospect.
OPEN_COUNTNumberThe cumulative number of times a prospect has opened a mailing from Outreach that was open tracking enabled.
OPTED_OUT_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime that a prospect opted out of Outreach contacts in general.
OWNER_IDVarcharThe ID associated with the user that is currently responsible for the prospect.Maps to the USERS table
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id
PERSONAL_NOTE1VarcharFreeform text field for prospect notes in Outreach.
PERSONAL_NOTE2VarcharFreeform text field for prospect notes in Outreach.
PERSONA_IDVarcharThe ID associated with the prospects persona record in the PERSONAS table.
REGIONVarcharThe geo-region associated with a prospect. See notes above table for details.
REPLY_COUNTNumberThe cumulative number of times a prospect has replied to mailings from Outreach.
SCORENumberA generic score field that can be mapped to any integer field. See notes above table for details.
SMS_OPTED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted into texts.
SMS_OPTED_OUT_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a prospect opted out of texts.
SMS_OPT_STATUSVarcharA string for if a prospect has explicitly opted out of or opted into being texted.'opted_out', 'opted_in'
SOURCEVarcharA generic source field that can be mapped to any string field. See notes above table for details.'Webinar', 'Marketing Event', 'Inbound Lead'
SPECIALTIESVarcharAny known job specialities associated with a prospect.
STAGE_CHANGED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime that a prospect entered its current stage.
STAGE_IDVarcharAn ID for the prospect's current stage.
SURROGATE_IDVarcharAn md5 hash of bento, o_id and ID for a table.This can be used to get distinct counts of records if an account has more than 1 org instance. Two orgs will both have a prospect with ID of "1" but each will have a different surrogate ID.
TIME_ZONEVarcharKnown timezone for a prospect, used when auto scheduling emails and tasks.'EDT', 'CDT', 'PDT'
TIME_ZONE_OFFSETNumberThe hour conversion of that timezone from UTC in seconds.If time_zone is PDT then this would be -25200
TITLEVarcharKnown job title of a prospect.
TOUCHED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for the last time a prospect was interacted with via Outreach (this includes when a user is sequenced, changes sequence step, or is taken out of sequence; when a task is updated; when a call disposition is recorded; or when the prospect engages with an email).Select ID from prospects where touched_at > opted_out_at and opted_out_at is not null ; returns all prospects contacted post opt out
TRASHED_ATTimestamp_NTZThis represents the UTC datetime a prospect was soft deleted based on dissociation with an account. Trashed prospects will eventually be deleted.
TRASHED_BY_ACCOUNT_IDVarcharThe account ID a prospect was associated with when an account was put in the recycle bin.Maps to the ACCOUNTS table
UPDATED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for the last time this record was updated.2019-01-01 20:14:01:10Almost equivalent to dml_at (but adjusted for time zones), but doesn't include record creation or deletion.
UPDATER_IDVarcharSame as creator_id above, but refers to who last did the update of the record.
UPDATER_TYPEVarcharSame as creator_type above, but may allow different field values.'plugin', 'app', 'user', 'trigger', 'import'
WORK_PHONEVarcharThe work phone number associated with a prospectPHONE_NUMBERS and CONTACTS is a stronger, normalized source of prospect info