
This table has 1 row per sequence id and per org id.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
ARCHIVED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when a sequence was archived and removed from general use.
BENTOVarcharA collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these.This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers.
BLUEPRINT_TITLEVarcharThe title of the blueprint that this sequence was created from.
BOUNCE_COUNTNumberThe cumulative sum of email bounces for a given sequence.
BOUNCED_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state experienced a bounce, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
CALL_COMPLETED_COUNTNumberThe cumulative sum of answered and logged calls for a given sequence.
CALL_NO_ANSWER_COUNTNumberThe cumulative sum of call, no answers for a given sequence.
CALL_TASK_MIN_OPENSNumberMinimum # of Email opens for an email sequence that will trigger a call task.
CAPACITYNumberThe maximum # of prospects that can be in a sequence at once.
CLICK_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of email link clicks for a given sequence.
CLONED_FROM_IDVarcharThe sequence ID that this sequence was cloned from.Maps to SEQUENCES table
COMPLETED_INVERVALNumberThe # of days after the last step in a sequence that a prospect is considered to have completed the sequence.
COMPLETED_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state reaches the last step in this sequence, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
CREATED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime that the sequence was created in Outreach.
CREATOR_IDVarcharThe ID for whomever created a record in Outreach, or who updated it if records are overwritten when changed. Maps to different tables based on the 'creator_type' field.
DELIVERED_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state has an email delivered in this sequence, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
DELIVER_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of emails delivered for a given sequence.
DESCRIPTIONVarcharA custom description for the sequence.
DML_ATTimestamp_NTZA datetime (local to server) in which the row was last modified. dml_at can be used to identify updated and new records, but as tables may not see changed records every day, it is not authoritative on when the table was last synced. 2019-01-01 12:14:01:10Where dml_at::date >= current_date-7 This will return all rows modified in the last 7 days.
DML_TYPEVarcharThe type of manipulation that last occurred to a row.'update', 'delete', 'insert', 'backfill', 'backfill-delete'Where dml_type <> 'delete' Excludes deleted rows.
DUPLICATE_PROSPECTSVarcharA string flag for if this sequence allows prospects to be in the sequence more than once at the same time.'allow', 'disallow'
ENABLED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for when this sequence was enabled for the creation of sequence states. First usable date.
FAILURE_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of failures to act against a sequence state (internal errors, ownership or rule limits, etc) for a given sequence.
FINISHED_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state has finished a sequence manually or via response, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
FINISH_ON_REPLYBooleanA boolean flag for if replying to an email will auto complete a sequence state.
IDVarcharRepresents an individual row of data in a table. Fields in other tables that match to this ID will be called thisTable_id. e.g. ID in the calls table will appear as the call_id in another table.Count(1), count(id), and count(distinct id) are equivalent in a table without joins or groupings for a given bento & o_id.
INCLUDE_OPT_OUTBooleanA boolean flag for if prospects that opted out are allowed in this sequence.
IS_DELETED_IN_APPBooleanIs the latest dml_type 'delete' or 'backfill-delete'.Where is_deleted_in_app = false Only keeps undeleted rows.
LAST_USED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe date and time the sequence was last used.
LOCKED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime that this sequence was locked, stopping the further addition of prospects.
MAX_ACTIVATIONSNumberThe maximum # of prospects that can transition into an active sequence state.
MAX_ADDS_PER_DAYNumberThe maximum # of sequence states that can be created in a day.
NAMEVarcharThe name of the sequence that appears in the app.
OPEN_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of opens for a given sequence
OPTED_OUT_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state has opts out of contact while in a sequence, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
OPT_OUT_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of opt outs for prospects that occured within a sequence.
OWNER_IDVarcharThe owner of a sequence.Maps to the USERS table
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id
PRIMARY_REPLY_ACTIONVarcharThe action to take when the primary prospect replies. Must be one of 'finish', 'continue', or 'pause''finish', 'continue', 'pause'
REPLIED_STAGE_IDVarcharIf a sequence state has an email reply while in a sequence, the corresponding stage is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
REPLY_COUNTNumberThe cumulative # of replies for a given sequence.
RULESET_IDNumberRULESET_ID is the ID of the ruleset associated with the sequence.
SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_TYPEVarcharThe schedule interval type must be either 'calendar' or 'schedule''calendar', 'schedule'
SECONDARY_REPLY_ACTIONVarcharThe action to take when someone other than the primary prospect replies. Must be one of 'finish', 'continue', or 'pause'.'finish', 'continue', 'pause'
SEQUENCE_TYPEVarcharDictates how sequence steps are advanced; either intervals of time or specific dates/weekdays.'interval', 'date'
SHARE_TYPEVarcharFlag for if the sequence is a private or shared sequence.'private', 'shared'
STARTED_STAGE_IDVarcharWhen a sequence state advances to the first step, this stage ID is assigned to the prospect.Maps to STAGES table
SURROGATE_IDVarcharAn md5 hash of bento, o_id and ID for a table.This can be used to get distinct counts of records if an account has more than 1 org instance. Two orgs will both have a prospect with ID of '1' but each will have a different surrogate ID.
TRANSACTIONALBooleanA boolean flag for if this set of motions qualifies as a transactional engagement with a prospect.
UPDATED_ATTimestamp_NTZThe UTC datetime for the last time this record was updated.2019-01-01 20:14:01:10Almost equivalent to dml_at (but adjusted for time zones), but doesn't include record creation or deletion.
UPDATER_IDVarcharSame as creator_id above, but refers to who last did the update of the record.